Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What I've been working on all this time: A Vision of Consumer Applications of Software Agent Technology - Enabling Consumer-Oriented Knowledge-Based C

Since I stopped blogging on a regular basis back in August I've been working on a few projects. One of my projects is a white paper related to . It's entitled "A Vision of Consumer Applications of Software Agent Technology - Enabling Consumer-Oriented Knowledge-Based Computing". It's still an early work in progress (my "to do" list at the end has over 200 items on it).

You can also find it by doing a Google on "consumer agent vision" (without the quotes). It was result #1 when I just tried it. Click here.


At 4:36 PM MST , Blogger Jack Krupansky said...

The post title is supposed to end with "Knowledge-Based Computing", but Blogger hacked it off when I pasted the title in the blog post editor. Sigh.

-- Jack Krupansky


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