Saturday, March 01, 2008

Plumbing the Semantic Abyss - my new blog on the Semantic Web

Although the Semantic Web does relate to the world of software agents, the intersection is not complete. There are plenty of aspects of software agent technology that are in no way dependent on the technologies of the Semantic Web, and there are aspects of the Semantic Web that may not have great utility in the realm of software agents. Not to mention that there are undoubtedly conflicts between the two. Still, I do believe that any discussion of either should involve the other, but I do not what to overwhelm a discussion of software agent technology with any of the distracting concepts of the Semantic Web. In this spirit, I have created a new blog that will focus on the Semantic Web with a particular focus on the difficulty in aligning the "meaning" embodied in the Semantic Web with meaning in the real world and in the lives of users and in particular consumers. There is a vast gulf, wide and deep, between these two notions of meaning, a so-called semantic gap, and the advance of software agent technology, in particular for consumers, is critically dependent on finding ways to bridge the gulf.

My new blog is called The Semantic Abyss - Plumbing the Semantic Web or Semantic Abyss for short. You can find it on Blogger at or access it directly from the custom domain name

It is not my intention to completely separate discussion of software agents and the Semantic Web, but to have these two discussions be companions on somewhat parallel but somewhat independent trajectories, with occasional crossover of discussions.

-- Jack Krupansky

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